Career Change 40 - Go For It!- By: Roy Carter

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If you feel you have reached the middle of the road and consider making a career change 40 plus is a mad idea, you couldn't be more wrong. With successful planning and remembering the experience you have to offer, a career change 40 plus should be a breeze!

Take a good look at where you are at the moment:

When we are young and just leaving school or college most of us have some plan in our heads to work towards the future goals we want to achieve. Now you are over the 40 age group mark, think about the many skills and the work experience you already have to offer. Also, when taking your age into account you will have general life skills learnt along the way and together these will form the basis for you new career.

Consider working environment and location:

You may have found the perfect career but location may be a factor to consider when taking into account public or private transport, travel time, costs of relocation. Do you have children of school age and are the local school appropriate for their needs. What are the long term career prospects for the position you are considering? Will future relocation be a factor to take into account? It may be that a move away from the locality where you are now would be beneficial and exciting to have a fresh start but if there are other family members to consider, take into account that change may be daunting to some especially if it involves changes to schools, friends, sports and social clubs and there will undoubtedly be financial matters to take into account.

Have some firm ideas with regard to what you are going to do:

Just allot some time in order to produce a description of your ideal job, which you think is realistic and achievable, considering all the experiences that you have gathered in the last 40 years. If you think that you are lacking some experience for your new career job, it is advisable to check out local colleges to see if evening classes are run to help you to gain the experience or skills necessary for your new job. If you feel you will need new skills in your chosen career option it may be a good idea to search out someone who is already achieving in the same field as they will be able to offer advice.


Irrespective of age, a successful plan to move into a career change 40 phase is to make sure your research is thorough. We can all get carried away with the exciting prospect of a new career but as mentioned previously, all goals should be achievable and realistic and if that means work studying or updating skill levels then make sure you are prepared to put in the extra work required to reach the target.

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Author Resource : A career change can be just the boost you long for. Click the links below for sound advice on career change ideas , writing compelling C.V.'s and Resumes together with advice for Career Change 40 plus . 'You never get a second chance to create a first impression'.